Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The 1st Tuesday of the month a bunch of us girls get together and play Bunko. Our Numbers have been running a little slim lately so we all invited a friend. Hoping that they would be interested in joining our group. What a fun night it turned out to be, lots of dice rolling, good conversation, laughing and eating of course. By the sounds of it all the new girls will be back next month. YEAH!! Well I didn't win the game, but that's no surprise.. I did win a $10 gift card to Cold Stone Creamery! (Oatmeal cookie batter ice cream with toasted almonds here I come) YUMMY!!

1 comment:

Allison said...

What a fun night, having a full group makes such a big difference! There was great prizes too ;) It was fun to hang out!

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